Scientific presentations
This site is made to share PDF files of presentations I have done during my career as well as videos when available.
1. International conferences
- [1] Morán, J., Poux, A., and Yon, J. “Soot particle formation under the competition between aggregation and surface growth”. European Aerosol Conference - EAC 2021. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Birmingham, United Kingdom (Online). This is available on YouTube.
- [2] Morán, J., Henry, C., Poux, A., and Yon, J. “Impact of the maturation process on soot particle aggregation kinetics and morphology”. Cambridge Particle Meeting. June 2021. Cambridge, UK (Online). This is available on YouTube.
- [3] Morán, J., and Kholghy, R., Approximating the van der Waals interaction potentials between agglomerates and their coagulation enhancement effect. 9th World Congress in Particle Technology, September 2022. Madrid, Spain.
- [4] Morán, J. Kholghy, R. Yon. J., and Henry, C. Approximating de van der Waals Interaction potentials between agglomerates and their coagulation enhancement effect. Cambridge Particle Meeting. Juin 2022. Cambridge, UK (Online)
- [5] Morán, J., Li, L., Ouyang, H., Qiao, Y., Olson, B.A., Hogan Jr, Christopher J., “The bidimensional size and charge distribution of sub- and supermicrometer particles in an electrostatic precipitator”. European Aerosol Conference. September 2023, Malaga, Spain.
2. National conferences
- [1] Morán, J., Fuentes, A., Liu, F., & Yon, J. “FracVAL: An algorithm for the simulation of fractal-like aggregates of nanoparticles and subsequent numerical TEM images”. 1st FRANCO-AMSUD Energy and Environment Meeting. Marseille. March 2019. The pdf is available here.
- [2] Morán, J., Yon, J., Liu, F., & Fuentes, A. “Thermophoretic sampling of soot in a laminar coflow diffusion flame”. GDR Suie sur la « Métrologie des suies ». Paris. July 2019. The pdf is available here.
- [3] Morán, J., Yon, J., & Poux, A. “Improving Monte Carlo simulations for an accurate modeling of soot aggregation”. Réunion plénière du GDR Suie. Marseille. October 2019. The pdf is available here.
- [4] Morán, J., Yon, J., & Poux, A. “The properties of self-preserving size distribution of soot aggregates”. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols – CFA. Paris. January 2020. A PDF paper is available here for this work.
- [5] Morán, J., Yon, J., and Poux, A. “Numerical simulations of soot particles aggregation and surface growth in a premixed flame”. First JDD du GDR Suie. December 2020. Paris, France (online).
- [6] Morán, J., Yon, J., and Poux, A. “The simultaneous aggregation and surface growth of soot particles formed in an ethylene laminar premixed flame”. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols - CFA. January 2021. Paris, France (online).
- [7] Morán, J., Poux, A., Cepeda, F., Escudero, F., Fuentes, A., Gallen, L., Riber, E., and Yon, J. “Coupling Macroscale and Nanoscale Simulations of Soot Produced in a Diffusion Flame: Towards a More Realistic Simulation of their Morphologies”. Réunion plénière du GDR Suie. Lyon. November 2021.
- [8] Morán, J., “Collision kernels of suspended particles from the Langevin equation: Theoretical modeling and Numerical simulations”. XXIII Chilean Symposium in Physics, November 2022. Valparaiso, Chile. The pdf is available here.
- [9] Morán, J., Li, L., Ouyang, H., Qiao, Y., Olson, B.A., Hogan Jr, Christopher J., “The bidimensional particle size and charge distribution of nano/microparticles in an electrostatic precipitator”. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols - CFA. March 2023, Paris, France. This presentation will be available in the future.
- [10] Morán, J., Li, L., Ouyang, H., Qiao, Y., Olson, B.A., Hogan Jr, Christopher J., “The Bidimensional Size and Charge Distribution of Sub- and Supermicrometer Particles in an Electrostatic Precipitator”. AAAR Annual Conference, October 2023, Portland, OR, USA.
3. Seminars
- [1] Morán, J. “Soot aggregates: formation dynamics and morphology”. Seminar (invited) for the Energy and Particle Technology Laboratory. June 2021. Ottawa, Canada (online).
- [2] Yon, J., and Morán, J. “Simulation de la formation des particules de suie : pour une meilleure caractérisation de ces particules” at the 6th seminar (invited) of the Calisto group from INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France.
- [3] Morán, J. “Flame-made nanoparticles: formation dynamics and morphology”. REU PD Trainee Research Spotlight 1 - University of Minnesota. June 22, 2022. This is available on YouTube.
- [4] Morán, J., and Hogan, C., “Aerosol Technology: Electrostatic particle filtration to improve air quality”. Seminar (invited) for the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Federico Santa Marı́a, November 2022. Valparaiso, Chile.
- [5] Wang, L., Morán, J., Yang, M., Olson, B. A., Hogan, C., and Torremorell, M., “Multidisciplinary research in engineering and medicine for sustainability and environment: Indoor aerosol virus transmission”. Seminar (invited) for Universidad de Magallanes, August 2023. Magallanes, Chile (online).
- [6] Morán, J., Olson, B. A., and Hogan, C., “Measuring the size and charges of aerosol particles from an electrostatic precipitator”. Seminar (invited) for high school physics teachers from Minnesota participating in STEM program. University of Minnesota, August 2023. Minneapolis, USA.
- [7] Morán, J., “Aerosol and interfaces”. Seminar (invited). University of Ottawa, January 2024. Ottawa, Canada.
4. Posters
- [1] Morán, J., Yon, J., Poux, A., Liu F., & Fuentes, A. Improving Monte Carlo simulations for accurate modeling of nanoparticles coagulation. European Aerosol Conference. Gothenburg. August 2019.
- [2] Morán, J., Henry, C., Poux, A., and Yon, J. “Impact of the maturation process on soot particle aggregation kinetics and morphology”. European Aerosol Conference - EAC 2021. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Birmingham, United Kingdom (online). This is available on YouTube.
- [3] Morán, J., Poux, A., Liu, F., Escudero, F., Fuentes, A., and Yon, J. “Effects of overlapping in the evaluation of volume and surface area of complex soot aggregates in flames”. 24th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles. June2021. Zurich, Switzerland (online). This is available on YouTube and the pdf is available here.
- [4] Morán, J., Henry, C., Yon, J., and Kholghy, R., Van der Waals interaction potentials between fractal-like agglomerates of nanoparticles. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols - CFA. January 2022. Paris, France.
- [5] Morán, J., Poux, A., Cepeda, F., Escudero, F., Fuentes, F., Gallen, L., Riber, E., Yon, J. Coupling macroscale and nanoscale simulations of soot formation in a diffusion flame. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols - CFA. January 2022. Paris, France.
- [6] Morán, J., Henry, C., Yon, J., and Kholghy, R., Approximating the van der Waals interaction potentials between agglomerates and their coagulation enhancement. International Aerosol Conference. September 2022. Athens, Greece (Online). This is available on YouTube.
- [7] Morán, J., and Kholghy, R., “Theoretical Derivation of Particle Collision Kernels from a First-Time-Passage Approach in the Diffusive Regime”. AAAR Annual Conference, October 2023, Portland, OR, USA.
- [8] Morán, J., Henry, C., Yon, J., and Kholghy, R., “Approximating the van der Waals Interaction Potentials between Agglomerates of Nanoparticles”. AAAR Annual Conference, October 2023, Portland, OR, USA.