Dr. José Morán

The purpose of this website is to share tools, tutorials, and data from my research in the domain of Aerosol Particle Technology.

Aerosol Technology

My research consists of understanding particle synthesis methods (e.g. flame reactor), particle properties (e.g. size, morphology, chemical composition, and electric charge) as well as the mechanisms explaining their formation in the gas phase (nucleation, surface growth, oxidation, and coagulation), and processing (e.g. sampling, filtration) to develop technological applications. Such technological applications involve catalyzers, plasmonic materials for health treatment, sensors, coatings, drug-delivery carriers, among others.

1. About me and my research contributions

My name is José Morán. Since April 2022 I have been a Post-doc Associate at Prof. Chris Hogan’s Laboratory belonging to the Particle Technology Laboratory (PTL) of the University of Minnesota, USA. Previously, I was a visiting researcher at the Energy and Particle Technology Laboratory (EPTL) working with Dr. Reza Kholghy at Carleton University in Canada. I obtained my PhD in Physics in France, in November 2021 at INSA de Rouen and worked at CORIA laboratory, my advisor was Prof. Jérôme Yon. I conducted my undergraduate studies at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Chile. I carried out a MSc thesis in the EC2G (energy conversion and combustion group) where my advisor was Prof. Andrés Fuentes. My research domain is aerosol technology with particular emphasis on multi-scale numerical simulations of particle formation in the gas phase, and experiments mainly involving nanoparticle characterization.

In addition, during my (early) career I have investigated the following subjects:

Aerosol particle size and electric charges (experimental)

van der Waals interactions between nanoparticles (theoretical & numerical)

Bioaerosol filtration (experimental)

Aerosol particle coagulation (theoretical & numerical)

New tools to simulate agglomerates and agglomeration (numerical)

Simulating flame-made particle formation (numerical)

Characterization of flame-made particles (experimental)

Fractal-like agglomerate morphology and radiative properties (theoretical and numerical)

Others (numerical)

2. Numerical tools

Numerical codes for measurements, post-processing experimental data, and different numerical simulations are provided. The latter include population balance simulations of aerosol coagulation, aerosol particle charging, fractal-like agglomerates, Monte Carlo DEM simulations, and Langevin Dynamics are provided in the following page.

3. Teaching and tutorials

I would like to share teaching material related to aerosol science. For the moment I am sharing a few video tutorials related to aerosol metrology through the following page.

4. Scientific presentations

Rather than only providing a list of presentations I want here to share some PDF versions and videos for some of these presentations for the people interested in my work. Personally, I like to see presentations before reading papers because they give a big picture of a subject and summarize the content. Therefore, my presentations are available on the following page.

5. Outreach

I have contributed to the organization of a few research conferences with particular emphasis on Aerosol Technology and flame-made particles:

We cannot make a research website without a gallery of pictures and videos! This is available on the following page.

7. Acknowledgment

I would like to thank all the people I have worked with throughout my career so far, including the professors and other people who may not be present in the pictures below. Thank you all! Thanks

8. Contact

If you are interested in my work or have a question using the material provided on this website or if you have feedback to improve codes or experiments, do not hesitate to contact me: